
Dedicate A Light

Your dedication will feature on a digital and physical memento and the special online Wall of Lights (improved for 2021!).

New for this year: A projection display of dedications will travel across North Wales in December.

You will help brighten up the end of what has been a dark year for many, with all donations benefitting patients receiving care in hospitals and our local communities.

Please Note : Because of the way we process Dedication Orders, please only purchase 1 dedication per order. If you wish to purchase multiple dedications, then please do so in separate orders. Thank you for your understanding.

If you make your tribute by 23:59 on Sunday 12th December, you will receive your posted memento before Christmas. Any tributes made after this date will appear on the Wall of Lights, and your memento will be posted in January. Dedications made after 23:59 on Wednesday 22nd December will not appear on the Wall of Lights until January 2022, and the digital dedication will not be issued until January. Please see other dedication deadlines below.